Work has begun on the application file of the wider Olympus area for the UNESCO World Heritage List, following the first formal meeting of the tripartite Committee, composed of representatives of the Ministries of Environment and Culture and the Organization Of Climate Change (OFYPEKA), in the presence of the Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni and the Deputy Minister of PEN George Amyras.
In fact, underlines the APE, with a Presidential Decree that is expected to be issued following a proposal by the Deputy Minister of Environment, Olympus and the wider area, with a total area of 366,000 acres, is placed under a strict protection regime with certain land uses. At the same time, all existing protection regimes will be included in the dossier to be drawn up, strengthening this candidacy. After the meeting, the Minister of Culture stated: “This mountain, which is heavily hoarded in ancient Greek myths, is one of the strongest brand names in our country. The elements that compose the cultural physiognomy -material and intangible- of Olympus in combination with its unique natural and environmental characteristics ensure the necessary conditions for the submission of the candidacy for inclusion in the UNESCO List”. The Undersecretary of Environment, for his part, said: “With the environmental and cultural characteristics of this emblematic mountain, it will be the strongest symbol of sustainable tourism development in the country”.
As it became known, the financing of the dossier that will be submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in September 2022 and will be examined in January 2023, will be done with OFYPEKA resources.