

The washing machine chooses the most economical washing program. The oven recognizes the food that is ready to bake and plans it to be ready in 45 minutes. The thermostat of the house regulates the temperature to the preferences of its occupants. The lights come on as soon as the sun shines. All this without any human intervention!
An image, not from the future but from today, of a 105 sqm house in the center of Athens, the owners of which decided to invest in the smart world created by new technologies, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and 5G networks . At a time when energy costs have led to a barrage of price increases on electricity and gas prices and households are looking for solutions to meet their increased financial obligations, the smart home is an alternative that will reduce the costs of an average household.
Investing in new technologies to reduce energy costs
Consumers, in addition to trying to limit consumption as much as possible, looking for bank financing heating programs, looking for gas and electricity providers that will provide them with better prices, combined with other offers, realize that investing in New technologies lead to impressive results in reducing the energy costs of a household.
As part of the new APE-MPE tribute entitled Energy2Heat2021, executives of large retail groups reported that a number of smart devices are currently available in the Greek market, the use of which leads to significant economic benefits for an average household, in addition to the great environmental benefits. All devices available at affordable prices to an average household have energy saving technologies.
Indicatively, smart thermostats are mentioned that have the ability to reduce the cost of heating and cooling of a house up to 30%. Smart thermostats incorporate technologies that allow the thermostat to turn on the bodies and air conditioners at specific times of the day and turn them off when no one is home.
Smart LED bulbs also have a significant reduction in energy as they consume less power, have a longer lifespan and can be switched on or off remotely via mobile at any time of the day.
The same can happen with water savings by using a smart water leak sensor in the sink, sink and washing machine as every time a water leak is detected, a message is sent to the mobile and the supply is turned off.
Energy sockets also offer energy savings as they have the ability to detect devices that are not used in order in this case to automatically cut off the power supply. Of course, the smart refrigerator also contributes to the consumption of less energy as with integrated technologies it gives information to the consumer about the products that are inside so that in this way the refrigerator does not need to open and close.
A smart world is being born that now enables even an average household to seek solutions beyond the traditional ones (eg heating subsidies, etc.) in order to be able to meet its financial obligations while maintaining its standard of living.