The construction of the Tour Triangle, the controversial triangular skyscraper 180 meters high and 42 floors, has begun to give Paris its third tallest building after the Eiffel Tower and the Montparnasse Tower, reports APE-MPE.
The real estate group Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) announced today that the cost of the project will amount to 660 million euros as part of the publication of its annual results. “We maintain strict control over investments and costs, while continuing to develop new assets (…) These include the Tour Triangle Paris office building project, in partnership with AXA IM Alts, construction of which has begun,” he said. the president of the group Jean-Marie Tritan.
After two months of preparatory work, high silos were placed on site at the Parc d’Expositions in Port de Versailles on Thursday. Work will be completed in the first half of 2026. The project began in 2008 and was approved in 2015 under the mayor of Ann Indalgo, despite strong reactions from environmentalists and right-wing mayors such as Philip Guzon, mayor of the 15th arrondissement. of the French capital, where the skyscraper is erected. “The area will be destroyed for many years,” he said, denouncing “the incessant dancing of trucks carrying concrete, the presence of four giant cranes.”
The Paris prosecutor’s office launched a preliminary investigation in July into “favoritism” over the project. The operation of the Tower will be granted for 80 years to the Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield group, for a price of 2 million to be paid annually to the City of Paris. The building will house more than 91,000 square meters, two thirds of which will be office space. The plan also includes a 230-room hotel, a kindergarten and shops. The company boasts of a “reversible” building, with uses that can change over time and with minimal environmental impact.